discovering identity . transforming lives . fulfilling destiny . glorifying God



K.D.M.I is a ministry that focuses on developing the human personality to conform to the image of God- through the abiding principle of God’s Word. As a ministry, we strife to teach, and preach to every human being to project the image of God in their daily living, knowing that our salvation is connected to Him.

We believe that our anchor is not in the tangible things we possess or the knowledge we have gained over the years through learning. But our anchor is with the One who formed us and ordained us to stand in the place of dominion to manifest His godly character and nature in all our endeavors.

Our assignment is to assist every human beings to relocate their position on earth and to recognize the authority which God has given to us as His children to dominate-having the consciousness that we cannot achieve or establish anything within our domain without the influence or power of God. We can help you achieve this goal by teaching you to understand the importance of:

·        Discovering your  Identity in Christ Jesus

·         Changing your negative attitude

·        Fulfilling your destiny on earth

·        Glorifying God for His good plans towards you.




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